Posts Tagged ‘joscel’
Avoiding going out with your kids?
Avoiding going out with your kids? Dr Shelley Hyman Avoiding going out with your kids? 4 tips to manage behaviour in public places Our society we live in today has a challenging and critical attitude toward parents and young children. Many assume criticizing and using harsh words is the answer for a child who is…
Read MoreThe Parent-Child interaction, in children with ADHD
The Parent-Child interaction, in children with ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic and pervasive childhood disorder that is characterised by inattentive, hyperactive and impulsive behaviours. It comes with no surprise that such behaviours commonly weaken the relationship the parent has with their child and induces large amounts of stress on the…
Read MoreLastest Research in Neurofeedback and PTSD
Lastest Research in Neurofeedback and PTSD Dr Shelley Hyman Post-traumatic stress disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterised by experiencing various reactions of stress following exposure to a traumatic event, like a death or serious injury. Patients with PTSD often experience symptoms like hyperarousal, emotional numbing (difficulties experiencing positive emotions), vivid memory…
Read MoreMicronutrients over Medication: An alternative to combat ADHD
Micronutrients over Medication: An alternative to combat ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman These days, it is common for medication to be prescribed as a first resort rather than the last. However, exciting new research has highlighted the potential for micronutrients to reduce ADHD symptoms providing a more naturalistic alternative to medication. New Zealand researchers Julia Rucklidge…
Read MoreSunshine, lollipops and a rainbow of risk: Food dyes and your child
Sunshine, lollipops and a rainbow of risk: Food dyes and your child Dr Shelley Hyman Synthetic food dyes have been shrouded in controversy since their introduction to market over 50 years ago. Given many of these dyes are derived from coal tar or petroleum, it is unsurprising that they can negatively affect our health. As…
Read More10 brain foods to make you feel good
10 brain foods to make you feel good Dr Shelley Hyman We’ve all heard of the phrase “food for thought”, but what if there really were certain foods that could boost your thinking? Here are 10 brain foods filled with vitamins and minerals to help keep your brain sharp and healthy. (1) Wholegrains The brain…
Read MoreIs social media making your teenager unhappy?
Is social media making your teenager unhappy? Dr Shelley Hyman There is a generation of teenagers who have never known life without the internet, – they are being dubbed “iGen”. Adolescence looks very different now for young people born between 1995 and 2012, then it did for generations before. Teens are spending more time talking…
Read More5 Most Common Myths about Autism Debunked
5 Most Common Myths about Autism Debunked Dr Shelley Hyman As awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder continues to increase globally, so do the general populations preconceptions on what Autism is, what it looks like and what causes it. Unfortunately, this can lead to the spread of misinformation about the condition, which results in not only…
Read MoreBetter sleep, better brain: Maximise your kid’s brain
Better sleep, better brain: Maximise your kid’s brain Dr Shelley Hyman For many parents, the beginning signs of kids having poor sleep are rather innocuous and almost unnoticeable, until…. Your child may be slow to get out of bed and get ready for the day ahead They may be more irritable and cranky than usual…
Read MoreCommunication issues in people with ADHD
Communication issues in people with ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Research findings are showing that people with ADHD have problems with communication in ways that can make them present as very egocentric. These issues can have a major impact upon relationships and quality of life. A research study from the University of Waterloo finds that people…
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