Comparison of ADHD treatment options: 2020 research
ADHD treatment options: A 2020 scientific analysis of medication versus natural options Just published January 2020 in the Journal of Psychiatric Research (see reference below): This is the first meta-analysis which collated the most prominent behavioural and cognitive interventions for ADHD and examined their effect on cognitive symptomatology. They sought to investigate the effect of…
Read MoreAdult ADHD and Neurofeedback Therapy
Adult ADHD & scientific evidence for Neurofeedback Therapy Neurofeedback for ADHD Treatment in Adults Research into the effects of neurofeedback on ADHD are overwhelmingly based on child populations. Several reasons for this exist, such as the high developmental neuroplasticity (this refers to the ability of the brain to change its functioning) present in childhood…
Read MoreADHD & Morning Routines: Does medication help?
ADHD & Morning Routines: Does medication help? Dr Shelley Hyman Morning routine trouble for children with ADHD: stimulants do not help It has been previously established that children with ADHD have trouble with completing their morning routines compared to other children their age. This means that they may not be able to prepare for school…
Read MoreImportance of parenting in ADHD children
Importance of parenting in ADHD children Dr Shelley Hyman Research findings are showing that a highly efficacious treatment for children with ADHD and behavioural problems is parent behaviour therapy. In reviewing existing studies on treatment options, the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) identified four programs that alleviated ADHD symptoms for children under…
Read MoreADHD, Motivation & Bribes: How much is enough?
ADHD, Motivation & Bribes: How much is enough? Dr Shelley Hyman Research suggests that many of the difficulties children with ADHD face in their every-day lives are related to deficits in motivation and executive functioning. Some researchers have suggested that children with ADHD are less likely to be motivated by reinforcement than children without ADHD.…
Read More2018 Review on neurofeedback in ADHD
2018 Review on neurofeedback in ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Just published in February, 2018 in the scientific journal European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: An international group of researchers conducted a meta-analysis that systematically looked at all available studies and found that after an intensive course of neurofeedback, the clinical benefit of neurofeedback on ADHD symptoms was maintained…
Read MoreThe Parent-Child interaction, in children with ADHD
The Parent-Child interaction, in children with ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic and pervasive childhood disorder that is characterised by inattentive, hyperactive and impulsive behaviours. It comes with no surprise that such behaviours commonly weaken the relationship the parent has with their child and induces large amounts of stress on the…
Read MoreMicronutrients over Medication: An alternative to combat ADHD
Micronutrients over Medication: An alternative to combat ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman These days, it is common for medication to be prescribed as a first resort rather than the last. However, exciting new research has highlighted the potential for micronutrients to reduce ADHD symptoms providing a more naturalistic alternative to medication. New Zealand researchers Julia Rucklidge…
Read More10 brain foods to make you feel good
10 brain foods to make you feel good Dr Shelley Hyman We’ve all heard of the phrase “food for thought”, but what if there really were certain foods that could boost your thinking? Here are 10 brain foods filled with vitamins and minerals to help keep your brain sharp and healthy. (1) Wholegrains The brain…
Read MoreCommunication issues in people with ADHD
Communication issues in people with ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Research findings are showing that people with ADHD have problems with communication in ways that can make them present as very egocentric. These issues can have a major impact upon relationships and quality of life. A research study from the University of Waterloo finds that people…
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