ADHD treatment
Research Indicates that ADHD Medication Can Disrupt Sleeping Patterns
ADHD is one of the most prevalent disorders affecting school aged children. The most common treatment for ADHD is stimulant medications such as methylphenidate hydrochloride. However, research has indicated that the use of stimulant medication is linked to an array of adverse side effects. Research has revealed that children with ADHD who were being treated…
Read MoreStudies Indicate that Connecting with Nature is Effective in the Treatment of ADHD
Studies Indicate that Connecting with Nature is Effective in the Treatment of ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Research has consistently suggested that exposure to natural views and settings is associated with a reduction in symptoms such as inattention and impulsivity. Dr Stephen Kaplan, an environmental psychologist, has suggested that connecting with the natural environment assists in…
Read MoreThe Effect of Exercise on Cognitive Performance in Children with ADHD
The Effect of Exercise on Cognitive Performance in Children with ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Research supports that a single session of exercise benefits cognitive performance of children with ADHD. In a recent study, 32 adolescents with and without ADHD were asked to perform cognitive tasks over a period of 2 days, followed by either watching…
Read MoreNeurofeedback: An effective treatment for children with ADHD
Neurofeedback: An effective treatment for children with ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Neurofeedback is an area of research which is gaining increasing relevance in the treatment of children with ADHD. Neurofeedback involves teaching an individual to monitor their brain activity through continual positive reinforcement, often in the form of a simple video game where the individual…
Read MoreOmega-3 Fatty Acids in ADHD
Omega-3 Fatty Acids in ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Omega-3 Fatty acids which are important to human metabolism are found in plant and animal oils such as fish oil, egg oil, squid oil, clary sage seed oil, algal oil, walnuts and edible seeds. Although 70% of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) respond to psychostimulant medication, many…
Read MoreStimulant Medication & Substance Use Disorder
Stimulant Medication & Substance Use Disorder Dr Shelley Hyman According to the sensitisation hypothesis, increased exposure to stimulants (the first-choice medication treatment for ADHD), causes changes in the dopamine system which result in increased sensitivity to the reinforcing effects of these drugs. It has been suggested that this may lead to an increased risk of…
Read MorePhysical Exercise Alleviates ADHD Symptoms
Physical Exercise Alleviates ADHD Symptoms Dr Shelley Hyman ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder which affects about 8-12% of children at school age. Typically characterized by inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsive action, it has the potential to impair an individual’s academic achievement, occupational enterprises and interpersonal relationships. Both human behavior and animal laboratory studies have indicated that…
Read MoreADHD and Nutrition
ADHD and Nutrition Dr Shelley Hyman Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is multi-determined and complex, requiring a multifaceted treatment approach, however, nutritional management is important for patients with ADHD. Throughout the years, many studies have investigated the role of food, or food components, in influencing the symptoms of ADHD. It is now confirmed that artificial food colouring…
Read MoreMindfulness & ADHD: Reducing symptoms in parents and children
Mindfulness & ADHD: Reducing symptoms in parents and children Dr Shelley Hyman Currently, evidence-based treatments for ADHD include medication, which only has short-term effects, and behavioural therapies, with the most common involving behavioural parent training, but is not very effective if parents themselves have ADHD. There has been some emerging evidence that mindfulness training in…
Read MoreNeurofeedback treatment & ADHD
Neurofeedback treatment & ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Neurofeedback is a recently developed method by using the mechanisms of learning to change brainwave activity which can improve overall well-being and performance by giving video or audio feedback. (Lofthouse, McBurnett, Arnold & Hurt, 2011) This form of treatment has been used when children with ADHD do not…
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