Posts Tagged ‘joe’
Differences in Brain Anatomy in Dyslexia
Differences in Brain Anatomy in Dyslexia Dr Shelley Hyman Developmental dyslexia is a disorder that can be characterized by below average reading ability despite normal intelligence and education levels. Due to the complex and interconnected processes associated with reading, brain imaging studies have examined a variety of potentially abnormal brain areas. A review conducted by…
Read MoreNew Study Finds Long Term Effectiveness of Neurofeedback in the Management of Epilepsy!
New Study Finds Long Term Effectiveness of Neurofeedback in the Management of Epilepsy! Dr Shelley Hyman Pharmacological treatment is the standard intervention for people with epilepsy. However, a significant number of people with epilepsy are drug resistant, meaning that medication is ineffective in the treatment of their epilepsy. In order to explore the possibility…
Read MoreThe Positive Impact of Neurofeedback in the Management and Treatment of Learning Disabilities in Children
The Positive Impact of Neurofeedback in the Management and Treatment of Learning Disabilities in Children Dr Shelley Hyman Research has strongly shown that neurofeedback is helpful in the management of ADHD and symptoms of inattention. Contemporary researchers have been interested in the effectiveness of neurofeedback as a treatment for children with learning disabilities. In 2008 Fernandez…
Read MoreThe Benefits of Neurofeedback for People with Traumatic Brain Injuries
The Benefits of Neurofeedback for People with Traumatic Brain Injuries Dr Shelley Hyman A significant proportion of the population have acquired some sort of disability or impairment resulting from a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Researchers have been interested in investigating the effectiveness of neurofeedback in the management and treatment of symptoms commonly associated with TBI’s.…
Read MoreNeurofeedback: An Effective Treatment for Uncontrolled Epilepsy
Neurofeedback: An Effective Treatment for Uncontrolled Epilepsy Dr Shelley Hyman Up to one third of individuals with epilepsy do not benefit from pharmacological treatment. Neurofeedback (NF) provides an effective alternative which may deliver relief from symptoms associated with epilepsy, particularly seizures. NF utilises operant conditioning to regulate the sensorimotor rhythms (SMR) of the brain in…
Read MoreNeurofeedback Shown to Benefit Mood
Neurofeedback Shown to Benefit Mood Dr Shelley Hyman Neurofeedback provides a means by which individuals can learn to voluntarily control their brain activity. Individuals learnt to regulate and reproduce the desired brain activity with the different feedback configurations. A specific type of neurofeedback, the alpha/theta neurofeedback, allows individuals to gain control over low-frequency brain activity…
Read MoreNeurofeedback Treatment Reduces Migraines
Neurofeedback Treatment Reduces Migraines Dr Shelley Hyman Migraines are debilitating and effect approximately 18% of women and 6% of men. Individuals who frequently experience migraines often find their work and social lives impacted. A high proportion of migraine suffers have reported that the predominantly pharmacological treatments they utilise either, takes too long to reduce the…
Read MoreNeurofeedback and Improved Performance in Cognitive Functioning, Sport and Art
Neurofeedback and Improved Performance in Cognitive Functioning, Sport and Art Dr Shelley Hyman Neurofeedback (NF) is a non-invasive technique that follows the principles of positive reinforcement to attempt to help individuals learn and modify cortical activity. NF is commonly used to aid individuals with below average functioning to improve to a “normal “standard. However the…
Read MoreEffectiveness of Neurofeedback Training in Children with Reading Disabilities
Effectiveness of Neurofeedback Training in Children with Reading Disabilities Dr Shelley Hyman Neurofeedback training is an emerging intervention that has shown to be effective in regulating electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormalities, which has led to improvements in behavioral deficits in children with reading disabilities. Neurofeedback uses the principles of operand conditioning to reward or repress the specific…
Read MoreOmega-3 Fatty Acids in ADHD
Omega-3 Fatty Acids in ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Omega-3 Fatty acids which are important to human metabolism are found in plant and animal oils such as fish oil, egg oil, squid oil, clary sage seed oil, algal oil, walnuts and edible seeds. Although 70% of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) respond to psychostimulant medication, many…
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