Posts Tagged ‘done’
Neurofeedback: Effective in the Management of Chronic Pain
Neurofeedback: Effective in the Management of Chronic Pain Dr Shelley Hyman Chronic pain refers to pain that lasts longer than six months. Chronic pain can significantly disrupt an individual’s life and, depending on the severity, it has the potential to be completely incapacitating. Management of chronic pain is currently focused on medication, however many of…
Read MoreFrom Childhood to Adulthood: Trajectory of ADHD Brain
From Childhood to Adulthood: Trajectory of ADHD Brain Dr Shelley Hyman Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder often distinguished by the individual’s inattentive, hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. With the advances in brain imaging technology, research shows that there are structural and functional brain differences between individuals diagnosed with and without ADHD. Specifically, previous…
Read MoreNeurofeedback: An Effective Treatment for Uncontrolled Epilepsy
Neurofeedback: An Effective Treatment for Uncontrolled Epilepsy Dr Shelley Hyman Up to one third of individuals with epilepsy do not benefit from pharmacological treatment. Neurofeedback (NF) provides an effective alternative which may deliver relief from symptoms associated with epilepsy, particularly seizures. NF utilises operant conditioning to regulate the sensorimotor rhythms (SMR) of the brain in…
Read MoreNeurofeedback Treatment Reduces Migraines
Neurofeedback Treatment Reduces Migraines Dr Shelley Hyman Migraines are debilitating and effect approximately 18% of women and 6% of men. Individuals who frequently experience migraines often find their work and social lives impacted. A high proportion of migraine suffers have reported that the predominantly pharmacological treatments they utilise either, takes too long to reduce the…
Read MoreYouths with depression & the misattribution of facial emotional expressions
Youths with depression & the misattribution of facial emotional expressions Dr Shelley Hyman It is important in our everyday social lives that we are able to recognise facial emotions in order to initiate and respond to people we interact with appropriately. People with or at-risk of depression tend to be highly sensitive to emotional expressions…
Read MoreMotor Coordination Disorder: Bullying and Depression
Motor Coordination Disorder: Bullying and Depression Dr Shelley Hyman Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a neuro-developmental condition that is characterised by an inability to perform everyday motor-based tasks such as writing, catching a ball etc. It may often masked by other behavioural disorders such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or emotional difficulties. It is a…
Read MoreSchool Refusal
RESOURCES School Refusal School refusal/ avoidance The term ‘school refusal’ or ‘school avoidance’ refers to the behavior of children who experience symptoms of anxiety in relation to school attendance. Though many children will refuse to go to school at some stage in their lives, school refusal is marked by a significant number of absences from…
Read MoreGesture Use between Parents and Children with Autism
Gesture Use between Parents and Children with Autism Dr Shelley Hyman Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterised by a core deficit in communication including delayed or lack of spoken language, impairments in initiating and sustaining a conversation and repetitive use of language. Nonverbal communication such as gestures may be a contributing factor the autistic symptoms. Studies…
Read MoreObesity and Autism
Obesity and Autism Dr Shelley Hyman Childhood overweight and obesity has been an ongoing serious issues resulting in substantial risks such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension, just to name a few. It can also lead to premature death if they continue to be obesity/overweight in adulthood. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has also been increasing…
Read MoreInternet Addiction, ADHD and Depression
Internet Addiction, ADHD and Depression Dr Shelley Hyman As the ease as well as need to access the internet increases in the age of technology due to academic and recreational reasons, it impacts extensively on multiple aspects of daily life. Internet addiction is now a recognised phenomenon, with various scales being developed in order to…
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