Posts Tagged ‘done’
10 brain foods to make you feel good
10 brain foods to make you feel good Dr Shelley Hyman We’ve all heard of the phrase “food for thought”, but what if there really were certain foods that could boost your thinking? Here are 10 brain foods filled with vitamins and minerals to help keep your brain sharp and healthy. (1) Wholegrains The brain…
Read MoreIs social media making your teenager unhappy?
Is social media making your teenager unhappy? Dr Shelley Hyman There is a generation of teenagers who have never known life without the internet, – they are being dubbed “iGen”. Adolescence looks very different now for young people born between 1995 and 2012, then it did for generations before. Teens are spending more time talking…
Read More5 Most Common Myths about Autism Debunked
5 Most Common Myths about Autism Debunked Dr Shelley Hyman As awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder continues to increase globally, so do the general populations preconceptions on what Autism is, what it looks like and what causes it. Unfortunately, this can lead to the spread of misinformation about the condition, which results in not only…
Read MoreBetter sleep, better brain: Maximise your kid’s brain
Better sleep, better brain: Maximise your kid’s brain Dr Shelley Hyman For many parents, the beginning signs of kids having poor sleep are rather innocuous and almost unnoticeable, until…. Your child may be slow to get out of bed and get ready for the day ahead They may be more irritable and cranky than usual…
Read MoreCommunication issues in people with ADHD
Communication issues in people with ADHD Dr Shelley Hyman Research findings are showing that people with ADHD have problems with communication in ways that can make them present as very egocentric. These issues can have a major impact upon relationships and quality of life. A research study from the University of Waterloo finds that people…
Read MoreChange your brain, enhance your happiness
Change your brain, enhance your happiness Dr Shelley Hyman Neurofeedback and brain modulation has been around for years, and there is a vast body of research that shows that the brains of people with low mood and depression are very different to a happy, well-functioning brain. Neurofeedback provides a means by which individuals can learn…
Read MoreNot getting enough sleep? There’s a nap for that.
Not getting enough sleep? There’s a nap for that. Dr Shelley Hyman Smartphones have revolutionized the world in which we live, facilitating instant communication across oceans and continents or merely from the kitchen to upstairs. While this love affair with convenience is inevitably set to continue, there seems to be plenty of love lost for…
Read MoreNeurofeedback AND post-traumatic stress disorder
Neurofeedback AND post-traumatic stress disorder Dr Shelley Hyman Bessel Van Der Kolk has just published a paper in December 2016 which describes a wonderful new study he has conducted into the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He examined 52 individuals with chronic PTSD and found a significant drop in traumatic events. Post-treatment with neurofeedback he found a…
Read MoreNeurofeedback and performance enhancement in elite athletes
Neurofeedback and performance enhancement in elite athletes Dr Shelley Hyman A research study by Dr Dupee and colleagues, published in December 2016, explored the perceived outcomes of neurofeedback training intervention with high performance athletes. Five Olympic level athletes preparing for world championships and the 2012 Olympic Games took part in a 20 session intervention over the…
Read MoreThe effects of gluten in children with ASD
The effects of gluten in children with ASD Dr Shelley Hyman The gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diet is an alternative intervention that has been extensively used with children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The GFCF diet involves the elimination of all foods containing gluten or casein (proteins found in wheat or barley products and dairy products,…
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